Feedback comments

Faiez Zannad, FR: “It is even better than the first time. The science is of an even higher standard. The speakers are of a very high level. What is the third one going to be like?”

Mark Oyama, USA: “We are familiar with all the results of the studies in humans, but we never get the occasion to meet the people behind those studies and to ask them questions. The scientists who come here are really open-minded. I think they want a global view, they have genuine scientific curiosity.”

Jens Häggström, SW: “Humans develop similar diseases to dogs, but in the case of myxomatous mitral valve disease they generally undergo surgery to improve valve function. This is not the case in dogs, that therefore may go on to develop very advanced disease. Doctors in the human sector are interested by what happens at the end of this disease. This is not something you see in humans, at least not in the western world. Eventhough the disease may be slightly different between dogs and humans, the basic mechanisms are presumably the same.”

Bertram Pitt, USA: “At this symposium, animal medicine takes data from human medicine and animal medicine pushes us to go back and do more research into certain areas of human medicine. It shows us the direction we should be going in. I think it has been useful sharing our ideas in this symposium. I believe that this is an excellent example of how human medicine has stimulated animal medicine which is now stimulating human medicine in return!”

Nuala Summerfield, UK: « Thank you so much for the wonderful hospitality and high quality academic meeting that CEVA organised in Bordeaux this past weekend. I thoroughly enjoyed it, as did everyone I spoke to. It's so refreshing to attend a meeting where there is such a stimulating exchange of ideas and experience between veterinary and human cardiologists. A great success yet again! Fingers crossed CEVA decides to carry on the tradition in 2013! Please pass my thanks on to all your colleagues who I met at the meeting too. »

Clarke Atkins, USA: « One last thank you and congratulations on the success of your meeting in Bordeaux. Very nicely done. Sarah and I had a great time - thank you. »

Frédéric Jaisser, FR: « I’d like to thank you once again for this nice congress. This has helped to create new relationships and contacts, including veterinary surgeons. This may lead to collaborations. Regarding the organisation, what to say? Sublime!»